Ahmad, Hilal
ISBN: 9788195965526, 8195965520
This book is part one of the book, Ahmad explain that prior to the advent of the British in India, the majority. Minority perception was not there in Indian society. The creation of these categories as the result of British colonialism. The conduct of census with categories of caste and religion gave these groupings fixed and denied identities. Part two of the book has Ahmad talking about some ...
Bandyopadhyay, Manik
ISBN: 9789354420252, 9354420257
Putulnacher Itikatha (1936) tells the story of a village in colonial Bengal at a time of sharp socio-cultural contrasts: modern medicine versus traditional systems; rationalism versus age-old beliefs; city versus village.
Justice V R Krishna Iyer
ISBN: 9788175348028, 817534802X
Legal Literature
Goel, Sita Ram (1921-2003)
ISBN: 9788185990866, 8185990867
The emergence of Catholic ashrams in several parts of the country is not an isolated development. These institutions are links in a chain which is known as the Ashram Movement, and which different denominations of Christianity are promoting in concert. The Protestants and the Syrian Orthodox have evolved similar establishments. Taken together, these institutions are known as Christian ashrams. ...
Gautam, Kapil
ISBN: 9789385539015, 9385539019
...Vijaykalapurnasuri, ed. by Premal Kapadia, deluxe edition.;;;This work is a pleasing marriage of scholarly commentary on a spiritual text with extraordinarily beautiful coffee table book aesthetics and picture quality!
ISBN: 9789382186830, 9382186832
The present volume celebrates the emergence of a truly rich and varied crop of expatriate writing on the contemporary literary horizon. The authors discussed are: Kiran Desai, Salman Rushdie, Jhumpa Lahiri, Hanif Kureishi and Mohsin Hamid.
Skinner, Alaka Rajan
Tagore, Rabindranath
ISBN: 9789393711014, 9393711011
Ranjita. H
ISBN: 9788178510880, 817851088X
Shashi Deshpande is one of the foremost Indian English novelist. The book evaluates the entire range of Deshpande's fiction, including the recently-published novels Moving On and In the Country of Deceit.
Kuoriti, Joel et al (ed.)
ISBN: 9788131605196, 8131605191
This work consists of thirteen articles that consider the feasibility of nation-states in a transnational era and examine the role of language and culture in seeking a new identity for them. The book focuses on the Indian context as a case study of the thematics but it extends necessarily this nationalistic framework to reflect on other, wider contexts.
ISBN: 9788189968205, 8189968203
Songs to Kali by Ramprasad. Bengali text with French translation, introduction and notes.;;This publication presents a selection of poems dedicated to Kali composed by Ramprasad, Bengali authorof the 18th century. The author, a fervent worshipper of the goddess and a tantric, devoted his entire life to the Mother goddess., singing to her from the banks of the river Ganges.
Ghosh, Tapan K. et al. (ed.)
ISBN: 9789382186328, 9382186328
This is a long-awaited volume devoted to the writings of Chetan Bhagat, the best-selling Indian English novelist.
John, Grimes
ISBN: 9788120820388, 812082038X
Advaita Vedanta is one of the most important and widely studied schools of throught in Hindu philosophy and the Vivekacudamani is one of the most important texts in the Advaita tradition and the most popular philosophical work ascribed to the great Indian philosopher, Sankara.
Khetan, Prabha
ISBN: 9788171788880, 8171788882
A novel on the exploitation, oppression and struggle of the Indian women.
Laxmiprasad, P.V.
ISBN: 9789387799592, 938779959X
Roy, Anindyo
ISBN: 9780415304351, 0415304350
This study examines the manner in which civility emerged as the ethos of the British colonial state in the Indian subcontinent and emerges as a key discursive idea around which questions about citizenship, education, gender, race, labor and bureaucratic or civil authority were negotiated.
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