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Your search for 'Ayurveda' as Keywords results 902 record(s)
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Ayurvedic subtle (Sookshma) medicines

Ayurvedic subtle (Sookshma) medicines

Kulkarni, PH

ISBN: 9788170308591, 8170308593

The Ayurvedic system of medicine or an exposition in English     of Hindu medicine as occuring in Charaka, Susruta, ........

The Ayurvedic system of medicine or an exposition in English of Hindu medicine as occuring in Charaka, Susruta, ........

Sen Gupta, Nagendra Nath

... Bagbhata and other authoritative Sanskrit works, ancient and modern, 2Vols.-- Reprint of 1906-1919:

The Ayurvedic system of medicine, 2 Vols., 2nd rev. ed.

The Ayurvedic system of medicine, 2 Vols., 2nd rev. ed.

Sengupta, Nagendra Nath

ISBN: 9788170305958, 8170305950

The present work is an exhaustive treatise on Ayurveda based on the works of Charaka, Sasruta, Vagbhatta and other Ayurvedic texts.

Ayurvedic technical studies and herbal cosmetics of ancient India

Ayurvedic technical studies and herbal cosmetics of ancient India

Krishnamurthy, KH (b.1928)

ISBN: 9788176461771, 8176461776

A new methodology of pharmacolinguistics to solve the vexed problem of setting the botanical identity of ancient plant names of ayurvedic texts on rational basis.

Ayurvedic therapeutics

Ayurvedic therapeutics

Kulkarni, PH (ed.)

ISBN: 9788170307129, 8170307120

Ayurvedic treatment of common diseases

Ayurvedic treatment of common diseases

Ranade, Subhash et al.

ISBN: 9788170306085, 8170306086

Ayurvedic yoga therapy

Ayurvedic yoga therapy

Stiles, Mukunda

ISBN: 9788178223438, 8178223430

Ayurvediya vikrti vijnana by B.K. Dwivedi, foreword by Brihaspatidev Triguna

Ayurvediya vikrti vijnana by B.K. Dwivedi, foreword by Brihaspatidev Triguna

ISBN: 9788121801232, 8121801230

(1) copy ... 01.12.2004.

Ayurvedokta Oushadha Niruktamala: etymological derivation of single drugs in ayurveda

Ayurvedokta Oushadha Niruktamala: etymological derivation of single drugs in ayurveda

Sastry, JLN (b.1965)

This work contains 500 herbs which are arranged in the Sanskrit alphabetical order.

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