Sen Gupta, Nagendra Nath
ISBN: 9788180900419, 818090041X
...modern, 3 vols., revised and enl. edition.
Sen Gupta, Nagendra Nath
... Bagbhata and other authoritative Sanskrit works, ancient and modern, 2Vols.-- Reprint of 1906-1919:
Sengupta, Nagendra Nath
ISBN: 9788170305958, 8170305950
The present work is an exhaustive treatise on Ayurveda based on the works of Charaka, Sasruta, Vagbhatta and other Ayurvedic texts.
Gupta, Russick Lal
ISBN: 9788180900884, 8180900886
Krishnamurthy, KH (b.1928)
ISBN: 9788176461771, 8176461776
A new methodology of pharmacolinguistics to solve the vexed problem of setting the botanical identity of ancient plant names of ayurvedic texts on rational basis.
Drury, CH
ISBN: 9788187067658, 8187067659
Vidyanath, R. et al.
ISBN: 9788170803454, 8170803454
Mishra, Yogesh Chandra
ISBN: 9788189798079, 8189798073
Mishra, Yogesh Chandra
ISBN: 9788189798970, 8189798979
Kannan, K.S. Vidyanidhi
ISBN: 9788190896597, 8190896598
ISBN: 9788121801232, 8121801230
(1) copy ... 01.12.2004.
Sastry, JLN (b.1965)
This work contains 500 herbs which are arranged in the Sanskrit alphabetical order.
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