Ranade, Subhash
Kayachikitsa is the treatment of physical and psychological diseases like jwara (fever or pyrexia), etc.
Sharma HL et al.
ISBN: 9788189469016, 8189469010
Jayamani, CV
ISBN: 9788187590132, 8187590130
A unique book on natural living and proposes a fruitarian and vegetarian diet for a healthy life.
It covers all about Kerala - People, Lifestyle, History, Culture, Ayurveda, Festivals, Kathakali, Wildlife, Beaches etc.
Kulakarni, PH et al
ISBN: 9788190896504, 8190896504
The Haritasamhita is attributed to Harita, one of the disciples of the sage Atreya punarvasu. It is also known by the names of Atrisamhita and Atreyasamhita. This text, know from Gujarat to Bengal, is presented here with a translation in French and an index of the therapeutic formulas and their components. It contains to the areas of hygiene and dietetics, that complement those of the classical...
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Valiathan, MS
ISBN: 9788173716676, 8173716676
This book retells the Caraka Samhita, a treatise on Ayurveda, in a new format through thematically structured chapters, in contemporary idiom. In a detailed introduction, the author has commented on specific aspects of Carak's philosphy, concepts and practice, as seen from the point of view of modern medicine.
Krishnankutty, Gita (b.1935)
ISBN: 9780670049158, 0670049158
Biography of P.S. Variyar, 1869-1944, ayurvedic physician from Kerala, India, founder of Kottaykkal Aryavaidyasala, organization for manufacture, sale and propagation of ayurvedic medicines and treatment.
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A work on metals, dealing only four, viz. iron, gold, copper and mica.
Roa, Frank
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Wangchuk, Phurpa et al.
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Gupta, Ankit Kumar
ISBN: 9788194248132, 8194248132
In Hindi.
A 10th cent. important treatise on Ayurvedanighantus by Chandranandana.
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