A concise book giving information about all the eighteen puranas.
Bhattacharya, Pradip (ed.)
ISBN: 9788181578495, 818157849X
Panda, RK (ed.)
ISBN: 9788180901348, 8180901343
Contains thirty-two essays on topics related to Sanskrit and allied subjects. These include Vedas, epics, poetics, grammar, Buddhism etc.
ISBN: 9788124609989, 8124609985
The fascinating world of multiple Bharatas that this book introduces its readers with is that of a perennial tale discovered and created afresh at each juncture of time; at each moment of self-doubt and self-exploration; at each rejoicing of self-discovery and self-recovery. If one does not come across a seamless continuity here, one does not encounter apparent ruptures either. The Bharatas, as...
Raman, Varadaraja V
ISBN: 9788171547463, 817154746X
This erudite and engrossing narration of the Ramayana's Balakanda diverts from the linear recounting of events and delves into the intricacies of Hindu mythology revealing various facets of this extremely rich epic.;
Mishra, Madhusudan
ISBN: 9788177024906, 8177024906
This volume is a token of love in appreciation of his scholarship and contribution to promote Sanskrit studies and Indian culture. The present volume contains fifty three selected research papers of the renowned scholars as well as young researchers encompassing a wide range of Indological research as Vedic and Ancillary literature, epics and purana literature, classical Sanskrit and poetics, g...
Kashyap, Rajan
ISBN: 9789391125585, 9391125581
The authors offers colourful vignettes of events behind the drab doors of officialdom. He depics the successes and failures of governments and individual protagonists in attaining power and sustaining it.
Trivedi, Sudha
Presents a collection of names of Bhagvan in his Dasavataras collected from the entire Sanskrit literature.
Critical edition of the Bhagavata Mahapurana.
ISBN: 9788170811459, 8170811457
Menon, Ramesh
ISBN: 9788129109958, 8129109956
This book is a full literay rendering of the Bhagavata Purana, bringing all the wonder, wisdom and grace of the Book of God to the modern reader.
ISBN: 9788175950764, 8175950765
This edition is tastefully produced, bound with handloom raw silk and contains original pat-paintings illustrating each canto of folk artists associated with Jahannath Temple in puri, orissa with colour border of each page.
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