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Your search for 'Music, Dance, Drama and Cinema' as Keywords results 1070 record(s)
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Narayan, Shovana

ISBN: 9788182902640, 8182902649

Bharatanatyam evolves: from temple to theatre and back again, 2nd ed.

Bharatanatyam evolves: from temple to theatre and back again, 2nd ed.

Gaston, Anne-Marie

ISBN: 9788193560976, 8193560973

The author traces the development of Bharatanatyam from its religious and secular roots. Comments from the author's in-depth studies of Bharatanatyam, as both performer and academic, give a historical perspective to the current manifestation of the dance. Her observations are drawn especially from recitals at the Madras Winter Festivals, 2011-15.

Bharatanatyam: how to...; a step-by-step approach to learn the classical dance form

Bharatanatyam: how to...; a step-by-step approach to learn the classical dance form

Eshwar, Jayalakshmi

ISBN: 9788188827145, 8188827142

The book is self-explanatory with detailed pictorial and written instructions of the Adavus in a simple and systematic manner. A descriptive historical background to the dance form and it's evolution introduces the content.

Bharathanrithyam, with a new focus

Bharathanrithyam, with a new focus

Muralidhar, Shrividya

ISBN: 9789385161322, 9385161326

Literary works on Bharathanatyam, with reference to udgranthas, have come across in number. The texts too are rewritten and translated, with a new resurgence. However the attempt here is to focus on an untold and un contemplated slips and move process of dance subjects currently phenomenal, happening with awareness or without awareness of the dancing fraternity.

Bharatiya chaunrtya: itihasa, samskrti aur kala, 2 vols

Bharatiya chaunrtya: itihasa, samskrti aur kala, 2 vols

Prasad, Badri

ISBN: 9788124606452, 8124606455

Bharatiya rangakosa, sandarbh: Hindi, Vol.2: rang vyaktitva, ed. by Pratibha Agraval

Bharatiya rangakosa, sandarbh: Hindi, Vol.2: rang vyaktitva, ed. by Pratibha Agraval

ISBN: 9788181970176, 8181970179

Brrief sketches of people associated with Hindi theatre, playwright, actors, musicians and directors etc.

Bhimsen Joshi: a passion for music

Bhimsen Joshi: a passion for music

Majumdar, Abhik

ISBN: 9788129103543, 8129103540

An impulsive, impetuous man, a musician with a unique style.

Sakhitatva in South Indian classical dances

Sakhitatva in South Indian classical dances

E., Vidyalakshmi

ISBN: 9788119552658, 8119552652

Sakhi is the female companion of the protagonist in poetry and drama who often appears in Indian dance forms.

Bihu festival of Assam: music, dance and performance

Bihu festival of Assam: music, dance and performance

Borah, Utpola

ISBN: 9788188827053, 8188827053

Birju Maharaj: the master through my eyes

Birju Maharaj: the master through my eyes

Sen, Saswati

ISBN: 9789381523827, 9381523827

This memoir of the legendary Kathak maestro Pandit Birju Maharaj presents layers of his personality-his simplicity, modesty, generosity-as witnessed by one of his foremost disciples, Saswati Sen, who has known him for over forty-five years.

Bismillah Khan: the Maestro from Benaras

Bismillah Khan: the Maestro from Benaras

Sinha, Juhi

ISBN: 9788189738914, 8189738917

This is a book that gives the reader an insightful look into the home and heart, muse and music of one of the greatest artists that India has produced. It also lovingly portrays the whims and foibles of Bismillah Khan-an artist, whose stature as a musical legend could never quite overshadow the wit, humour and charisma of the man.

The black cow's footprint: time, space and music in the lives of the Kotas of South India

The black cow's footprint: time, space and music in the lives of the Kotas of South India

Wolf, Richard K

ISBN: 9788178241265, 8178241269

The book demonstrates that musical processes participate in some of the same forms of cultural and social production as do performances of ritual, agriculture, time reconking and everyday movements and speech.

Bod kyi srol rgyun rol cha sgra snyan la dpyad pa

Bod kyi srol rgyun rol cha sgra snyan la dpyad pa

Jo dkar

ISBN: 9787800579431, 7800579433

Bollywood and globalization: Indian popular cinema, nation,  and diaspora

Bollywood and globalization: Indian popular cinema, nation, and diaspora

Bhattacharya, Rini et al (ed.)

ISBN: 9789380601342, 9380601344

A significant contribution to the current debate on Indian cinema, nationhood and Global Culture.

Bollywood and globalization: the global power of popular Hindi cinema

Bollywood and globalization: the global power of popular Hindi cinema

Schaefer, David J et al (ed.)

ISBN: 9780415625234, 0415625238

Bollywood baddies: villains, vamps and henchmen in Hindi cinema.

Bollywood baddies: villains, vamps and henchmen in Hindi cinema.

Ghosh, Tapan K.

ISBN: 9788132110972, 8132110978

It is the first-of-its-kind book-length narrative of villainy in Hindi films.It discusses villains, vamps, and henchmen of Bollywood cinema, and also the actors who essayed such characters over the decades. ;

Bollywood Cinematography 2011

Bollywood Cinematography 2011

Thakur, A P et al

ISBN: 9788182204836, 8182204836

The book Bollywood Cinematography 2011 is a critical examination of 89 important Bollywood movies released in the years 2010.

Bollywood themes, foreword by Farah Khan, text Tushar A Amin

Bollywood themes, foreword by Farah Khan, text Tushar A Amin

ISBN: 9788183857642, 8183857647

Bollywood Themes is a celebration of commercial Hindi cinema across the years. It explores the recurring themes and popular characters in Hindi films and offers a fascinating overview of the evolution of commercial cinema in India.

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