Rendall, Steven
Edited/Translated by: tr. from the original French by Steven Rendall
Piketty guides us with elegance and concision through the great movements that have made the modern world for better and worse: the growth of capitalism, revolutions, imperialism, slavery, wars, and the building of the welfare state. It's a history of violence and social struggle, punctuated by regression and disaster. But through it all, Piketty shows, human societies have moved fitfully towar...
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
USD 24.50
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Title: A brief history of equality
Author: Rendall, Steven
Edited/Translated by: tr. from the original French by Steven Rendall
ISBN 13: 9780674279087
ISBN 10: 0674279085
Year: 2022
Language: English
Pages etc.: 244p., 21cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: Noida
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Biblia Impex Pvt. Ltd. was started in 1963 to export Indian books and publications to all over the world. We cater to demand for publications from not only India, but also Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Read More...
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