Gupta, S.P. et al.
This book is a product of almost twenty-five yeas of scholarly, systematic and dedicated work by a team of experts under the guidance and direction of two stalwarts, namely, S.P. Gupta and K.N. Dikshit, with the application of computer software programs like Geo-media Professional 4, ArcGIS 9.2, GIS, GPS and DEM, and satellite imagery, shuttle radar topography mission data, accelerator mass spe...
Publisher: Indian Archaeological Society
USD 233.50
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Title: An atlas of the Indus Sarasvati Civilization
Author: Gupta, S.P. et al.
ISBN 13: 9788124612491
ISBN 10: 8124612498
Year: 2024
Language: English
Pages etc.: viii+436p., full of col. maps, appendices, ind., 32x46cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: New Delhi
Publisher: Indian Archaeological Society
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