Kaye, GR
Part 1: Introduction.;Part 2: The text (includes 42 plates).;Part 3: The text re-arranged.;In 1881 a mathematical work written on brich-bark was found at Bakhshali near Mardan on the north-west frontier of India. This manuscript was supposed to be of great age and its discovery aroused considerable interest. Part of it was examined by Dr. Hoernle, who publised a short account together with a tr...
Publisher: Aditya Prakashan
USD 71.50
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Title: The Bakhshali manuscript: a study in medieval mathematics, 3 parts (bound in one), Calcutta, 1927
Author: Kaye, GR
ISBN 13: 9788177420586
ISBN 10: 8177420585
Year: 2018
Language: English
Pages etc.: Reprint: xvi+238p., (47)pls., ind., 34x25cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: Reprint, New Delhi
Publisher: Aditya Prakashan
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