books on buddhism | Biblia Impex | Indology Publishers
Your search for 'buddhism' as Keywords results 5933 record(s)
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Abhisamayalankaramahasastrakaya-sthatika-vyava Abhaya Dharmendra-Mukhagama-Nama by Khenpo Tsondu, transl. into Sanskrit and Hindi, ed. by Pema Tenzin

Abhisamayalankaramahasastrakaya-sthatika-vyava Abhaya Dharmendra-Mukhagama-Nama by Khenpo Tsondu, transl. into Sanskrit and Hindi, ed. by Pema Tenzin

This is an compendium of Abhisamayalankarasastra of Maiteryanath. The eight main topics and the seventy sub-topics of the Abhisamayalankara re explained in detail by means of their definations, divisions and so forth. An appendix and glossary are also added to help the readers. This will certainly prove as a good reference text for studying Abhisamayalankara.

Abhisamayamanjari by Subhakaragupta, critically edited Sanskrit text with Tibetan version by Samdhong Rinpoche et al

Abhisamayamanjari by Subhakaragupta, critically edited Sanskrit text with Tibetan version by Samdhong Rinpoche et al

This is very important work of Acarya Subhakaragupta on Vajrayoginisadhana which is being published for the first time;

The Surangama sutra

The Surangama sutra

ISBN: 9789387496729, 9387496724

This important sermon contains the essence of the Buddha's teaching and, as foretold by Him, will be the first sutra to disappear in the Dharma ending age. It reveals the law of causality relating to both delusion and enlightenment and teaches the methods of practice and realization to destroy forever the roots of birth and death.

Mdo sman chos byung

Mdo sman chos byung

Brag dgon pa Kon mchog bstan pa rab.....

ISBN: 9787542156402, 7542156403

Author: ...rgyas

The Adi-Buddha

The Adi-Buddha

Hazra, Kanai Lal

ISBN: 9789380852867, 938085286X

The present work is a detailed study of multifarious origins of Northern Buddhist Gods & their importance in Northern Buddhist world. The work deals with the Adi-Buddha, the Dhyani Buddhas, the Dhyani Bodhisattvas and the Buddhas.

The adornment of the middle way: Shantarakshita's Madhyamakalankara, with comm. by Jamgon Mipham, tr. by the Padmakara translation group

The adornment of the middle way: Shantarakshita's Madhyamakalankara, with comm. by Jamgon Mipham, tr. by the Padmakara translation group

ISBN: 9788174721754, 8174721754

An ornament for the whole of Madhyamaka teachings. This great work marks the final stage in the evolution of Madhyamaka and was the last major development of Buddhist philosophy in India.

The three jewels: the central ideas of Buddhism

The three jewels: the central ideas of Buddhism


ISBN: 9788120829473, 8120829476

This authoritative book by an outstanding Buddhist scholar explains the pivotal importance of the three jewels-- The Buddha Jewel, The Dharma Jewel and The Sangha Jewel.

Three mountains and seven rivers: Prof. Musashi Tachikawa's felicitation volume

Three mountains and seven rivers: Prof. Musashi Tachikawa's felicitation volume

ISBN: 9788120824683, 8120824687

This volume consists of thirteen sections: 1. Ancient geography, 2. Buddhism, 3. Madhyamika, 4. Iconography, 5. Jainism, 6. Logic, 7. Poetics, 8. Vedic themes, 9. Social practices, 10. Tibetan themes, 11. Vedanta and Mimamsa, 12. Samkhya and yoga, 13. Tantrism.

Advanced history of Buddhism: monasteries and temples

Advanced history of Buddhism: monasteries and temples

Gupta, Sameer Das

ISBN: 9788178843438, 8178843439

The Mahavamsa or the great chronicle of Ceylon,

The Mahavamsa or the great chronicle of Ceylon,

ISBN: 9789387496316, 9387496317

..... Haynes Bode. The Mahavamsa or The Great Chronicle of Ceylon, was originally written in the Pali language, it was translated into German by Prof. Wilhelm Geiger and then into English by Mrs. Mabel Haynes Bode. The Mahavamsa is the carefully kept historical chronicle of Sri Lanka written in the style of a poem. It covers the extensive history of Ancient Sri Lanka ranging from the early begi...

Advayavajrasamgraha, ed. with an intro. by Haraprasad Shastri

Advayavajrasamgraha, ed. with an intro. by Haraprasad Shastri

The work is a collection of twenty one small texts, composed by Advayavajra (c. 1100 AD or early 1200 AD), explaining important tenets of Buddhist philosophy. Foreword, preface and introduction are in English.

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